The story Maguindanao Pearls is a Filipino story and it is written by Isidro L. Retizos. It is all about the three main characters. Sinag-tala, Lakambini and Magiting. This blog will talk about on how this story relates to the reality and to the culture, traditions, and practices.

The story mentioned basket weaver. In a community where the livelihood of most families is basket weaving. They wove baskets from native grasses and plants out of necessity. Before the baskets became art, they were tools. The designs used in crafting such as products have been handed down from generation to generation by the tribal elders.  They had a festival and they named it as the “Basket weaving festival”. It is also part of us, Filipinos.

This is also the part when Sinag-tala dipped her hands into the boiling pot and said that if her hands remain unburnt, then it is a sign that finds guiltless and pronounced her as innocent. Trial by ordeal was an ancient judicial practice by which the guilt or innocence of the accused was determined by subjecting them to a painful, or at least an unpleasant, usually dangerous experience. The ordeal that ranked along with the oath and witness accounts as the central means by which to reach a judicial verdict. There are three types of ordeals namely the ordeal by combat, fire, water, and by cross. The ordeal by combat, ordeal by combat took place between two people in a dispute or under conditions.Ordeal by water has two types, the Ordeal by hot water and cold water. The ordeal by hot water is required the accused to dip his hand in a kettle of boiling water and retrieve a stone, just like the story of which we have studied. According to this text, usually given the title Ordal, the water had to be close to boiling temperature, and the depth from which the stone had to be retrieved was up to the wrist for a 'one-fold' ordeal and up to the elbow for a 'three-fold' ordeal. The distinction between the one-fold and three-fold ordeal appears to be based on the severity of the crime, with the three-fold ordeal being prescribed for more severe offences such as treachery or for notorious criminals.
The lesson of the story teaches its readers valuable lessons. This story is about how love can change everything in your life. This story also states how powerful love is to one person. Lakambini fights her love to Sinag-tala but she tries to do the right thing still.


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