The Department of Education (DEPED) implemented a new curriculum which is the K-12 system. It is one of the issues being talked today. K-12 means (K) Kindergarten which are the 4-6 years old and 12 that means there are 12 grades for 16-19 years old. When they disseminated the plan, a lot of people reacted and give lots of opinions about it. 

The question is, Will K-12 really gonna help us? The parents are reacting so much because they are the first one who will be affected. And mostly are the filipino parents because others don't have enough money or needs to send their child to school and K-12 is like an additional expense to their part. It's hard because they provide the tuition, projects, allowances, and other things needed of the school. 

Based on the survey of Official Poverty Statistics Report, there are 4.7 M families are to be considered as poor. Poor families refer to those who cannot provide their basic needs like food, shelter and especially education.

 So, what will happen to those people who didn't graduate highschool and college? They can't help their families because they are not fully graduated. In my own opinion, this system shouldn't be continued because I am worried to those Filipino people who can't afford their needs especially education to their children.

This system will just add the undergraduate students. There will be more jobless students which leads also to poor families because they can't help or provide the things that is needed. More poverty will come and it will not guarantee the students of being fully equipped in knowledge. If this is the new system then we can't do anything but accept it but i really hope that People should think and do something about it so that they can help and get what they need especially us Filipinos. 


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